Meet Emeline Humphrey

Emeline Humphrey
Emeline was born on 6th July 1995. She is in the seventh grade class of Rhotia Primary School in Rhotia, Tanzania.
Her father's name is Humphrey, her mother's name is Lucy. She has three brothers whose names are Bernard 20 years old, Calvin 10 years old. She doesn’t have any sisters. She does not live with her parents and brothers. She lives with her aunt in a home about ½ km from Rhotia Primary School.
The family earns its income from farming on a farm about 2 hectares (about 5 acres). They grow maize, beans or wheat. Sometimes she helps with farming, weeding, and domestic jobs. Because they don’t harvest enough food for selling, they don’t have enough to eat, so sometimes they get help from their neighbors or from the government.
She is doing very well In school, her best subjects are Mathematics English, Science, Swahili and social studies. She likes all the subjects.
When she finishes the primary school at the end of 2008 -2009 she would like to go to secondary school, and after that enter higher school, and after that go to University college. She would like to be a teacher.
For fun she likes to play netball. She would like to take the computer training class because she wants to learn more about other people, other countries and many other things, including looking for a job.
She is interested in America and would like to know more about America and Americans
Emeline has started computer training in Project Rhotia’s computer Lab. Lisa Becker and Tom Schmidt have chosen to be her Level One Sponsors.